Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh, for the Wife of Bryan

Myrtle has a new homeschool blog dedicated to the question, "Where are the philosophy books for homeschooled children?" I want to know that one too. Myrtle, could you pretty please put up some more links and a bio? Your blog is looking great so far.


Lioness said...

Given the excesses of our modern world, I should think moderation and judgement would be as important to learn as logic.

Logic is a tool. It can be used in any field. When it's the right tool for the job nothing can beat it, but it's not always the right tool. IIRC there are eight differnt modes of thought. Logic is only one of them. If logic was always right we wouldn't need the other seven modes.

Unknown said...

The closest thing I've found regarding philosophy and learning is a lecture (just put out in paper, also available in audio) by Lisa VanDamme. She is asserts that hierarchy in knowledge is the key to true, rational learning. She believes (rightly, in my opinion) that knowledge should be grounded in reality at the conceptual level and logically built upon as opposed to memorized or tied to dangling abstractions.

I think it is in The New Intellectual...or not. I can't remember and my copy is in the bedroom where my dh is sleeping. At any rate, here is an interview with her:


I do wish these people would write BOOKS.